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Post 10148 Auxiliary Mission

We are an organization consisting of fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, grandfathers, grandmothers, grandsons and granddaughters of those persons, both male and female that have honorably served in the Armed forces of the United States. We believe in Americanism, which has been defined as an unfailing love of country; loyalty to its institutions and ideals, eagerness to defend it against all enemies, undivided allegiance to the flag, and a desire to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and posterity. We serve and support the veterans, active-duty soldiers and their families of the United States. For, they are the ones that put their lives on the line to allow us the daily freedoms we enjoy.

Meetings are held the Third Tuesday of every month at 6 PM, at the Post.

Important Items

I'm in real need of a replacement Secretary! Please consider joining me and the rest of my Board.

Thank you, Nadia

Our 2nd Taco Tuesday is September 17 (Meeting Nite). We need volunteers to be able to continue this!

We're very low on Monday Night Meal volunteers. 

Please sign up on the list at the Post.

Your cost of food is reimbursed. 

Our Officers for 2024/2025 are:

President                       Nadia Hemphill

Sr Vice President          Beth Whisman

Jr Vice President          Erin Coombs

Secretary                       NEEDED

Treasurer                       Carol Bucks

Chaplin                          Suzanne Bethel

Conductress                 Kim Koenne

Guard                            Greg Harmuth

3 Yr Trustee                   Rhonda Hartley

2 Yr Trustee                   Jeanette Vasbinder

1 Yr Trustee                   Greg Harmuth

Upcoming District 8 Meetings: (10 am start)

23 November - Satellite Beach 4643

25 February - Rocket Post 4534

24 May - Post 8191

Longterm Planning

Veterans Day Potluck -- Nov 11

Thanksgiving Potluck -- 

Chili Cook-off -- Jan 2025

Jerk-off -- Feb 2025

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