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We are pleased to announce that our 2024/2025 slate of Officers was elected on April 17, 2024 during our regularly scheduled meeting. Our team is excited to get to work and look forward to the upcoming year.

Meetings are held the Third Wednesday of every month at 1800, at the Post.  

All Post Members are encouraged to attend.

It is YOUR support that keeps us strong.

Do you qualify for the VFW? We welcome All New members! Apply

Roster of 2024/2025 Post 10148 Officers


Senior Vice  Commander

Troy Esminger


Post Commander

Dean Novotny


Junior Vice Commander

Jason Jones

Quartermaster - Mike Forson
Chaplain - Gregory Hemphill
Adjutant - Steve Scott
Judge Advocate - (Open)
Surgeon - Joe Lewellan

One-Year Trustee - OPEN
Two-Year Trustee - Greg Hemphill
Three-Year Trustee - Dennis Fontechio

Veterans' Services Officer - Christopher Mattox

Recent Post Awards and Recognition


   Membership Award

The Post received an award for achieving 102% increase in the ranks for the 2023/2024 year. If the calculation cutoff date would have covered the entire year, we would have reached 109%. This follows on the heels of a 2022/2023 award for 101%. Well Done! (BZ)

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